Commercial quality evaluation of different weight grade eggs


  • Gordana Kralik
  • Zdravko Tolušić
  • Zlata Gajčević
  • Igor Kralik
  • Danica Hanžek


eggs, market quality, freshness, price, weight grade


In the Republic of Croatia, consumers are offered eggs of extra quality class, and of I and II quality classes, all in different weight grades. Prices of eggs are primarily formed on the basis of market supplies and demands, and secondly by the egg weight. This research was carried out with the aim to evaluate market quality of S, A and B weight grade eggs at our market. The obtained research results will be used to inform consumers on the quality of commercial eggs. Analyzed eggs (n=150) were bought at a family-owned poultry farm. In order to assess quality of eggs, the following were investigated: egg weight, portions of main parts in egg, shell thickness and firmness, albumen height, yolk color, pH of yolk and albumen, HU (Haugh units) and VN (value number) of eggs. It was determined that eggs of the S weight grade had more intensive color of yolk (13.08) than eggs of the A and B weight grades (12.83 and 12.76, respectively), P0.05). Furthermore, there was a percentage of protein and dry matter determined in eggs of different weight grades, on the basis of which the relation between price and quality was postulated.




Folyóirat szám


Section 4 Poultry Breeding

Hogyan kell idézni

Kralik, G., Tolušić, Z., Gajčević, Z., Kralik, I., & Hanžek, D. (2006). Commercial quality evaluation of different weight grade eggs. Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 10(2), 199-205.

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