The effect of Se-fortified wheat in feed on concentrations of selenium and GPx and SOD in blood of laying hens


  • Zlata Kralik
  • Zdenko Lončarić
  • Gordana Kralik
  • Marcela Šperanda
  • Mislav Didara
  • Manuela Grcevic
  • Žarko Radišić


wheat, laying hens, selenium, blood, enzymes


The aim of the study was to determine concentrations of selenium and enzymes GPx and SOD in blood of hens which were consuming feed with Se-fortified wheat. The study was conducted on 70 Tetra SL hybrid hens which were in the 40th week of production. Hens were fed with prepared mixtures for 26 days. After this period hens' blood was sampled for analysis of selenium and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) content. Treatments used in the study had no effect on weight of hens and egg production between examined groups (P>0.05). Selenium content in laying hens' blood of both groups was balanced and amounted for group A=0.1878 µg/kg and for group B=0.1877 µg/kg (P>0.05). The higher activity of the GPx enzyme was determined in blood of hens from experimental group B compared to group A (42935.3 U/l and 35675.5 U/l, respectively, P<0.05). SOD values showed similar trend as GPx values, with significantly higher (P<0.01) activity of this enzyme in blood of group B hens (0.9955 U/l) compared to group A hens (0.8101 U/l). Using wheat fortified with selenium in the diets for laying hens can affect a better supply of this microelement what was determined from the blood analysis.




Hogyan kell idézni

Kralik, Z., Lončarić, Z., Kralik, G., Šperanda, M., Didara, M., Grcevic, M., & Radišić, Žarko. (2014). The effect of Se-fortified wheat in feed on concentrations of selenium and GPx and SOD in blood of laying hens. Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 18(1), 194-199.

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