Lakeshore-Assessment By Defining Shore-Types
Lakeshore-assesment, Ecological impact, Land-use PlanningAbstract
Application of the method for other lakes may be affected by natural conditions and land-use attributes, too. Laké Velence is similar to Laké Fertő concerning many natural features, nevertheless, because of the intensive recreational utilization and lake regulation preliminaries, the lakeshore’s conditions are rather similar to those of Balaton. Shore assessments were made by Corvinus University of Budapest, Faculty of Landscape Architecture on the gravel pit lakes of Délegyháza between 2009-2011, (Sallay and Boromisza 2011). The experiences of these surveys may serve as the basis for a would-be extension of standardization, as well. The viewpoints assessed in Délegyháza - in a way - corresponded with those of Laké Velence, and they were alsó suitable to make landscape assessments of lakeshores. In the case of these lakes, however, shore fortification - as an assessment aspect and lakeshore defining factor - wouldn't have given real character types, whereas the slope makes a significant difference in the shore’s character. Accordingly, the assessment viewpoint system and the standardization factors much depend on the lake type and on the individual attributes of the laké concerned (e.g. landscape development’s antecedents, topical land use, and management). If a standardization, that is applicable fór many lake types, is aimed, more factors are to be specified - this belongs to the research in the future. It is essential to lay down that - as to their information content and application possibilities for planning practice - the rapid assessments significantly differ from a detailed assessment including many shore features and pressures, or from a shore evaluation, analyzing the functions. Elaboration of lakeshore types by this method needs further experience, by all means. Lakeshore-type sections may be suitable to support the regulation parts in the local plans. While delineating the building zones, the different character and sensitivity of the shore types can be considered, which presumes that regulating stipulations should be defined. They can be the basic units for managing-maintenance tasks of water affairs or for natúré conservation.
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