The 25th anniversary of the Faculty of Landscape Architecture at Budapest

Looking forward the next 25 years (part 2)


  • Martin Van Den Toorn Delft University


Design skills and knowledge, Design education, International Master in Landscape architecture, Knowledge-based design


This article comprises the view of a foreigner and thus outsider on viewpoints on the future of the Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism in Budapest at the 25th anniversary of the Faculty. The content is a glimpse into the future; based on the first part of the publication on the history and the present state of the art of the faculty. The article, published in the 4D issue 45, gave a short overview of the developments in other European programs in landscape architecture and the viewpoint of the author. The present outline comprises three parts according to the development possibilities and directions: Growing internationalisation; Building academic relations among the universities in the different fields of disciplines and research domains; The future of the profession, taking into consideration all new demands of society that challenge the profession and the discipline as a whole. The conclusions focus on the new role and position of the Faculty both for education and research in an international context, within the academic and university system, and developing new design ideas for the challenges of energy transition, water management, and the creation of comfort, well-being, and healthy living environments for people — a daunting task ahead!

Author Biography

  • Martin Van Den Toorn, Delft University

    landscape architect



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How to Cite

The 25th anniversary of the Faculty of Landscape Architecture at Budapest: Looking forward the next 25 years (part 2). (2017). 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 46, 32-43.

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