The Essentiality of Green Spaces in Urban Landscapes

A Greenway Study for Campo Grande, MS - Brazil


  • Camila Andressa Pereira Rosa Hungarian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Garden Art, Department of Garden and Open Space Design
  • Szabó Krisztina Hungarian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Garden Art, Department of Garden and Open Space Design



Greenway, urban helath, Anhanduí river, ecosystem services, green infrastructure


The quality and quantity of UGS1 are essential to urban landscapes, being directly related to the positive impacts on urban health and well-being. Additionally, UGS could help combat urban ill and improve life quality. This paper presents an investigation of the emerging concept of greenways, river restoration definitions, methodology and strategies, focusing on how it can benefit urban life and environment. Additionally, it proposes a greenway alongside the Anhanduí river in Campo Grande – Brazil. Based on relevant literature review, systematic field assessment and local regulations analysis, this study addresses six main issues: erosion and landslide, flood control, lack of connections (ecological, visual and functional), ecological degradation, loss of identity and strategies to improve ecological values. Even though Campo Grande was referred to as the 2nd most forested city in Brazil, in addition to being internationally acknowledged as one of the 68 Tree Cities of the World by FAO2 and the Arbor Day Foundation in 2019, preliminary evaluations indicated severe neglect at the river’s riparian zone. Furthermore, these shortcomings affect the UGS and, inadequate landscape planning or lack thereof, indicates hazard to both urban infrastructure and citizens. Nevertheless, the site accommodates copious improvement possibilities, that can be seen with the presence of fish species, as well as various birds,
tortoises and capybaras. Furthermore, the results show an increase of greenery, changing the character of the river from a menmade character to a more natural or nature-like feeling. With proper planning and maintenance, the abovementioned priorities can be maintained and enhanced in the future, hence this research utilizes greenway strategies with river restoration approach to promote urban health while conserving natural values, restoring habitats in an active way, improving accessibility,
restoring degraded riparian zones and introducing new functions.

Author Biographies

  • Camila Andressa Pereira Rosa, Hungarian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Garden Art, Department of Garden and Open Space Design

    PhD Student

  • Szabó Krisztina , Hungarian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Garden Art, Department of Garden and Open Space Design

    associate professor


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How to Cite

Pereira Rosa, C. A., & Szabó, K. (2021). The Essentiality of Green Spaces in Urban Landscapes: A Greenway Study for Campo Grande, MS - Brazil. 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 59, 40-51.

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