"Green control" in fighting urban sprawl in European metropolises


  • Krisztina Filepné Kovács Szent István University, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism, Budapest. Department of Landscape Planning and Regional Development (SZIU, FoLAU Budapest, Dep. of UP&RD)
  • Sándor Jombach SZIU, FoLAU Budapest, Dep. of UP&RD
  • Gabriella Balha Doctoral School of Landscape architecture and Landscape ecology, Budapest
  • Klaudia Máté SZIU, FoLAU Budapest, Dep. of UP&RD
  • Paloma Gonzalez de Linares Doctoral School of Landscape architecture and Landscape ecology, Budapest
  • Vera Iváncsics Doctoral School of Landscape architecture and Landscape ecology, Budapest
  • István Valánszki SZIU, FoLAU Budapest, Dep. of UP&RD




green control, urban sprawl, metropolis, Europe


Urban sprawl is a general problem of developed countries and several European strategies highlight the importance of controlled development, compact settlements structure, protection of ecologic values. We analyzed European metropolis regions focusing on challenges of preservation of green infrastructure and controlling urban sprawl.

Vienna has protected the green spaces in and around the city for a century already. In case of Munich, the “compact-urban-green” leitmotif was implemented. Rennes created a green belt around the city protecting agricultural land and privileges high densification and the agglomeration is planned in a polycentric model. In our comparison analysis, we would like to draw the consequences for metropolitan region of Budapest for which the state adopted an act for shaping the frames of spatial development. The Urban Atlas elaborated by the European Environmental Agency helps us to compare the development between 2006 and 2012 in the surveyed metropolis regions.


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How to Cite

"Green control" in fighting urban sprawl in European metropolises. (2018). 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 50, 46-67. https://doi.org/10.36249/4d.50.5743

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