The Method Of Defining The Frame Of The Street
main street, perception, subjective experience of the surrounding, sensesAbstract
The paper is about defining the boundary of the street. Most of the literature define the facades of the buildings as the boundary of the street dividing the space into internal and external, separating the private from the public area. Furthermore, reduce the street only to the public areas. The paper analyzes if the street is strictly limited to the public areas or it includes more. It is ascertained that the area of the street extends beyond the physical frame. To determine the exact area of the street the different ways of experiencing the environment were analyzed. It is said that including the human factor into the street analyzes is necessary. Therefore, different perception methods are used. These are dynamic, static, objective or subjective method. Thereby it is established that the frame of the street goes beyond the physical boundary and contains the areas that observer perceives. To sum up the paper is giving a base for establishing a new methodology of urban-architectural researches saying, that the subjective perception of the street gives even more relevant facts about the settlement as with traditional research can be achieved. It includes the human factor, making possible to involve subjective experience into the research. Defining a new method of urbanarchitectural analyzes of the main streets, but at the same time finding a framework which will allow that research become effective, is the fulcrum of this paper, which will be elaborated in the Ph.D. in progress of the author.
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