From The Bishop’s Estate Of The 19th Century To The Campus Of The 21st Century
agricultural estate, sustainable agriculture, rainwater collection, contemporary landscape designAbstract
In this paper, the development of Maksimir Park from an archdiocesan forest and agricultural estate of the 18th century through the foundation of the first city park and a bishop's exemplary agricultural estate of the 19th century to the present will be analysed and introduced. The design of Maksimir park was initiated by Bishop Maksimilijan Vrhovac, and was further developed by archbishop Juraj Haulik. Haulik completed Maksimir Park and created a model estate based on the highest contemporary achievements of the agricultural profession. In addition to producing food for the needs of the Zagreb Archdiocese, the estate was open and accessible to all citizens and visitors. Located outside the city, "not far from Zagreb", it has equally served for the education of the local farmers as well as for the education of the citizens. At the beginning of the 20th century, the land of the estate was purchased by the state for the purposes of today's Faculties of Agriculture and Forestry, who are further developing and adapting it to their needs. The goal of this paper is to review primarily the educational roles of Maksimir Park and Estate, which were recognized already at the time of their emergence, the changes that have occurred due to the development of the two faculties and, most importantly, to determine the opportunities for their future development. The park renovation and its adaptation to contemporary needs, especially the further development of the faculty estate as a more open ground for contemporary methods, aimed at solving current problems of global warming, sustainable and ecological agriculture, achievements in collecting, purifying and reusing rainwater, and ultimately, contemporary trends in landscape design. The reopening of the institution and its resources to both interested agricultural producers and the greater urban audience, involves an enormous educational potential (not only of local but also national character) that our faculties have yet to face.
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