ew functions and roles for public parks in Europe
The Future Relation Between Public Space and Public Health
climate change, public parks, contemporary public parks, public healthAbstract
This article deals with the changes in function, use and form of public parks in the context of climate change. The scope is the European context and special attention will be paid to the public health in relation to public parks in the future. Key research question is how landscape architects can plan and design public parks for the future by giving form to the global challenge of climate change and how that can be tackled for the local conditions. The main line of reasoning follows the triad past, present and future. In the first part a short overview of the development of public parks is presented. In the second part some aspects of contemporary public parks in relation to education are elaborated. In the last part three case studies are put forward to illustrate developments to come in the context of climate change. Core of the conclusions is the continuity and change in the planning and design of public parks and the design role of landscape architects.
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