From bohemian quarter to park system
bohemian quarter, park system, TabánAbstract
For more than a century now, Tabán's fate has driven the imagination of city leaders and city planners. Out of the grandiose ideas, due to the storms of history, only a few things could have happened, but at last, the landscaping that was originally designed to be temporary was the final use of the once densely built-up area (Picture 1). Major – but mostly point like – investments in recent years, such as the revival of the Várkert Bazár (Castle Garden Bazaar), the renovation of the Rác fürdő (Rác Bath) or the construction of the Gellért-hegy (Gellért Hill) funicular, increasingly require the preparation of a comprehensive development concept in the area of Tabán. The comprehensive development on the one hand, should contain a territorially larger analysis of the relationship and synergy between point projects; on the other hand, it should be comprehensive in terms of the target audience. Due to the specificities of the area, it is necessary to consider the needs of both the local population and tourism. This study aims to present Tabán’s past, present and important ideas about Tabán to provide a basis for a comprehensive approach for future developments. The main question, therefore, is how this long-time populated area1 became the today known park system, what is the significance and the value of Tabán and what is its future?
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Tabán is a Turkish origin word: its original form is Débágháne/Tabakhane, which first shortened to Tabahonra, then Tabánra. Originally it was a colony inhabited by tanners. (Magyar Néprajzi Lexikon)
Saly Noémi: A Tabán tündöklése és bukása (The rise and fall of Tabán), Mindenki Akadémiája, MTVA, 2018; watch?v=nYsBYuMIIvU
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Saly Noémi: A Tabán tündöklése és bukása (The rise and fall of Tabán), Mindenki Akadémiája, 2018; https://www.
Nagy Áron: Városmegújulás a Tabánban – dolgozat (Urban renewal in Tabán - a thesis). ELTE Társadalomtudományi Kar, Empirikus Tanulmányok Intézete, Társadalomkutatások Módszertana Tanszék, 2004.
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Nagy Áron: Városmegújulás a Tabánban – dolgozat (Urban renewal in Tabán - a thesis). ELTE Társadalomtudományi Kar, Empirikus Tanulmányok Intézete, Társadalomkutatások Módszertana Tanszék, 2004.; Dr. Halász Árpád: Budapest húsz éve 1920-1939 (Twenty years of Budapest 1920-1939). A Wolff Károly Emlékbizottság Kiadása, Budapest, 1939. 254-277.o.
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Gellérthegy, Naphegy, Sasad, Sashegy, Németvölgy, Orbánhegy, Mártonhegy, Farkasrét
Nagy Áron: Városmegújulás a Tabánban – dolgozat (Urban renewal in Tabán - a thesis). ELTE Társadalomtudományi Kar, Empirikus Tanulmányok Intézete, Társadalomkutatások Módszertana Tanszék, 2004.
On the lower level of the park, a statue was placed, with two parters on each side. The middle level was dominated by water architecture, and the upper terrace had a kiosk.
Not only residential buildings were located here, but also a spa, casino, theater, school, barracks, police department, and the Capital City Council.
The northwestern section of Attila Road, Váralja Street, the Ybl Miklós Square, the Fogas Street, the Attila Street, the Elizabeth Bridge and the Kereszt Street.
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Nagy Áron: Városmegújulás a Tabánban - egyetemi tanulmány (Urban renewal in Tabán – University Studies); ELTE Társadalomtudományi Kar, Empírikus Tanulmányok Intézete, Társadalomkutatások Módszertana Tanszék, 2004.
Dezső Morbitzer, Director of Horticulture created the comprehensive gardening plan, and the detailed plans were developed by Gyula Baranya, Antal Csorna, László Jécsay and Éva Maros. The construction works were managed by Károly Fonód, and the leader of the 700 manual workers was András Gimesi.
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Dr. Halász Árpád: Budapest húsz éve 1920-1939 (Twenty years of Budapest 1920-1939), 1939. 248. old.
The area could not be planted with trees at this time, as it was planned that the area would be incorporated later.
Timár Benedek: A Tabán és a Várkert Bazár - a történelmi városmag hiányzó láncszemei (The Tabán and the Castle Bazaar - the missing links in the historical city core). Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Tájépítészeti Kar, Településépítészeti Tanszék, 2011.
From the supporting pages of the plan, it turns out that designers would have created a double green strip on the boulevard, separating the tram rails from the car traffic.
Komlósné Hlatky Katalin: Budapesti zöldkalauz - Parkok – Közterek – Szobrok – Zöldterületek (Budapest Green Guide – Parks – Public Spaces – Green spaces), Magyar Almanach Kiadó, 2001. Online közétett verzió: taban
In addition, there are also a large number of ash, Turkish hazel trees, mahaleb cherry and Judas trees. Among rare species, it is worth mentioning Kentucky coffeetrees, common hornbeams, oaktrees and goldenrain tree. index.php news/regional-aff airs/new-york-stylepublic-park-15827655 32 32
Birmingham City Council:The Birmingham Smithfi eld Masterplan, 2016
Urban development concept by the Municipality of Budapest District I. Buda Castle
The 22 wine cellars of 100 m2 each wanted to show the Hungarian wine regions and their wines
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