The significance of physical activity and mental health among people aged 60 and over
The number and ratio of retired age population reveals an increasing tendency all over the
world. A pensioner in the 21st century will be able to plan ahead not only for 5-10 years but for
a longer period of time. In many cases, longer life expectancy is accompanied by a sedentary
lifestyle that may contribute to the emergence of several diseases, including cardiovascular
diseases or musculoskeletal disorders in leading position. Regular physical and mental activity
manifests itself as a significant factor of prevention that can decelerate physical and mental
deterioration to a great extent. In addition to physical activity, healthy nutritional habits, the
active use of leisure time, mental health and improving intellectual skills, as major components
of a healthy lifestyle, are able to have a positive impact on the process of ageing, improvements
in the quality of life, achieving a healthy level of fitness. In this study we want to highlight those
activities that are able to support the key factors of maintaining and developing mental health,
mental and physical activity and healthy nutritional habits, thus providing a meaningful,
healthy lifestyle over the age of 60.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Simon István Ágoston PhD egyetemi docens, Kajtár Gabriella gyógytestnevelő tanár, Herpainé Lakó Judit adjunktus, Müller Anetta PhD egyetemi docens
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