Spread of Invasive Phanerophytes and Further Records to the Distribution of Woody Species in Hungary


  • Péter Csontos MTA-ELTE Res. Group in Theoretical Biology and Ecology, Pázmány P. stny. 1/c., Budapest, H-1117, Hungary
  • Júlia Tamás Botanical Department of the Hungarian Natural History Museum, P. O. Box 222., Budapest, H-1476, Hungary




alien plants, distribution map, habitat disturbance, shrubs, trees, woody species


A pilot survey on the distribution of woody species of Hungary was carried out based on the Niklfeld’s grid system. 114 new records belonging to 41 species are reported, indicating the incomplete knowledge on the present distribution of woody species in Hungary. Ailanthus altissima, Lycium barbarum and Celtis occidentalis were the most frequently found, indicating the expanding range of these naturalized alien species. The highest concentration of new records occurred in cells near to or divided by the state border. The average number of new records per species (nr. of records/nr. of species) was higher for naturalized alien species than that of native species. A remarkable proportion of new records originated from semi-natural and disturbed areas, therefore a great number of new records can be predicted for our trees and shrubs in an extensive survey of these habitat types. Particularly high number of new records is expected for hedge forming shrubs.

Biografia do Autor

  • Péter Csontos, MTA-ELTE Res. Group in Theoretical Biology and Ecology, Pázmány P. stny. 1/c., Budapest, H-1117, Hungary


  • Júlia Tamás, Botanical Department of the Hungarian Natural History Museum, P. O. Box 222., Budapest, H-1476, Hungary



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Spread of Invasive Phanerophytes and Further Records to the Distribution of Woody Species in Hungary. (2006). TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK, 4(1), 127-138. https://doi.org/10.56617/tl.4448

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