Natural environment – an environmental psychological approach
környezetpszichológia, természetes/épített környezet, természetélmény, környezeti/természeti attitűdök, természetvédelem, ökopszichológia, környezeti preferenciákAbstract
Distinction of the natural and built environment is the basis of several environmental psychological theories. One of the main characteristics of these theories is that — in different ways —, they can be related closely to considerations of other fields of psychology, e.g., health psychology and life-quality studies. In the psychology of natural environment researchers make scientific investigations in two areas: attitudes (evaluative relationships, e.g., place satisfaction of people, nature protection, environmental problems), and preferences. Environmental preferences are studied typically from an evolutional viewpoint: according to the theories the actual landscape-preferences had developed because of their adaptivity. The essence of these preferences is the green-experience. The results of these environmental psychological investigations make us understand the role of natural environment in human relaxational and recreational behavior.
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