Landscape evolution processes due to changes in land use a case study


  • Gergely Jakab Geographical Institute, RCAES, HAS, Budaörsi út 45. Budapest H-1112
  • László Takács Geographical Institute, RCAES, HAS, Budaörsi út 45. Budapest H-1112



landuse change, landscape evolution, selective erosion, soil organic carbon (SOC)


Landuse change is generally investigated using GIS methods by the comparison of historical maps and remote sensing databases. The results of these processes give important data on the landscape but sometimes cannot answer questions concerning soil erosion and landscape evolution processes. On the other hand only pedologi- cal measurement data are not enough to describe the processes mentioned before adequately. This paper tries to combine the advantages of both methods to determine the main parameters of landscape evolution on a pilot area. Results suggest that pedological processes form the landscape much more slowly than soil erosion. The latter one can be described adequately by measuring CaCO3, soil organic carbon (SOC) content and soil organic matter (SOM) compound in the various horizons. Although the study site was only a part of a whole catena the results proved the gains of this new point of view.

Author Biography

  • Gergely Jakab, Geographical Institute, RCAES, HAS, Budaörsi út 45. Budapest H-1112

    corresponding author


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How to Cite

Landscape evolution processes due to changes in land use a case study . (2014). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY | TÁJÖKÖLÓGIAI LAPOK , 12(1), 49-61.

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