The capital investment regional, historical relationship with special regard to Debrecen and the investment of BMW


  • Orsolya Pócsik Szent István Egyetem, Enyedi György Regionális Tudományok Doktori Iskola, Gazdaság- és Társadalomtudományi Kar



Tőke, szektor, tőkeáramlás, versenyképesség, Magyarország


The main purpose of the study is to present the main directions of capital movements and capital flows, in case of Debrecen, what is one of the most important cities of the foreign capital center, where it can concentrate in Hungary, Debrecen is awaiting the arrival of the automotive superpower. It is worth exploring the geographic, spatial science approach to money and capital markets, which is one of the largest sectors in the world and it can be traced from a regional perspective. When are defining the concepts of capital, it is necessary to clarify the interests in which each actor is thinking. The interests of the owner, the client could be different. Capital as a concept must be divided into two parts: there has been a theoretical (economically existing) capital and the foreign direct investment has been available. The amount of capital invested in countries is limited, which are depends on the amount of capital that can be placed and the country's budget policy. My study is the theoretical, descriptive research. In my study, I highlight how the foreign capital investment have been moved the Hungarian economy by multinational companies. Debrecen provides a good example of the development, development and rise of cities through the example of the domestic automotive industry.

Author Biography

  • Orsolya Pócsik, Szent István Egyetem, Enyedi György Regionális Tudományok Doktori Iskola, Gazdaság- és Társadalomtudományi Kar



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