Actuality of assimilation - integration – segregation in the professional literature


  • Ildikó Rudnák Szent István Egyetem, Gazdaság és Társadalomtudományi Kar
  • Aranka Mészáros Szent István Egyetem, Gazdaság és Társadalomtudományi Kar



asszimiláció, integráció, szegregáció


The process and interactions of integration and inclusion exist in many segments, as we would think. Recognizing phenomena is usually aware of us when the difficulty is being addressed. This paper is designed to clearly define the content of these three concepts with the help of domestic and foreign literature. All at an economic, political and social level correct and proper interpretation is required to deal in their place with the accompanying phenomena such as frictions and conflicts that are often seeming to be irreconcilable, and do not live immediately with the weapon of aggression or assault, be it verbal as well. By introducing the advantages and disadvantages of assimilation, we must think of certain phenomena of our past, but more so in the outlook of present and future global events. After the definition of segregation immediately come to the fore rather than positive phenomena such as immobility, aggression, terrorism. The craving for integration, which is incorrectly identified by assimilation, requires understanding, acceptance, and patience from both sides. Our study thus discusses this threefold concept in the knowledge of the 21st century challenges

Author Biographies

  • Ildikó Rudnák , Szent István Egyetem, Gazdaság és Társadalomtudományi Kar

    egyetemi docens

  • Aranka Mészáros , Szent István Egyetem, Gazdaság és Társadalomtudományi Kar

    egyetemi docens


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