Wine consumer and wine tourism survey in Monor


  • István Bazsik Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem, Fenntartható Fejlesztés és Gazdálkodás Intézet
  • Gábor Koncz Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem, Fenntartható Fejlesztés és Gazdálkodás Intézet



borturizmus, monori pincefalu, borfogyasztói attitűdök, kínálatbővítés, stratégia


Monor is an area of Hungarian wine production with a long tradition, it’s plantation size is small, but on the European scale cellar village of more than 900 cellars it’s an area with special features. The research reveals that the cellar village of Monor is not known outside the Monor district, and most of the respondents do not know about its size or existence. Of those surveyed, 46.7% were able to mark the correct answer as to what the OEM mark was, and only 36.4% of the sample knew they had a Monor OEM. A total of 280 people answered the question of how satisfied they were when they attended a wine event in Monor. The weighted average of the responses was 7.51 on a Likert scale of 10, so satisfaction was high. The regular consumer of Monori wine is only in the Monori district. This is a strong indication that without short supply chain sales, local production could not exist. In addition, Budapest and its suburb can be an expansion target. Eighty-five percent of respondents have no serious reservations about Monor wine, mostly rating it as good. 33.1% of the respondents would pay a price between 500 and 1000 HUF for a bottle of wine, almost 40% would not regret an amount between 1000-1500 HUF for this purpose. On this basis, the majority of respondents would pay more for bottled wine in Monor than the average price. Comparing the willingness to pay for a liter of bottled wine and tank wine, a price of 2-2.6 times can be achieved, which can be seen to result in an extra profit when selling the bottled product. More than 85% of respondents would buy Monor wine, considering the multiplicity of preference votes cast for bottled and tank wine, 1.5 times more would buy bottled wine than tank wine. Based on color, popularity of white wine is highest in all ages. In generations older than Generation Z, this is followed by red and then rosé.

Author Biographies

  • István Bazsik, Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem, Fenntartható Fejlesztés és Gazdálkodás Intézet

    egyetemi hallgató

  • Gábor Koncz, Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem, Fenntartható Fejlesztés és Gazdálkodás Intézet

    egyetemi docens


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GfK sajtóközlemény: pdfs/fileadmin/user_upload/country_one_pager/hu/documents/20160914_gfk_borfog yasztas.pdf

Monori oltalom alatt álló eredetmegjelölés:

