Climate change and agriculture sector in Egypt: effects and adaptation
climate change, Egyptian agriculture, Nile delta, vulnerabilityAbsztrakt
The review aims to present an overview of the effects of climate change and the adaptation strategies to mitigate its impacts on the agriculture sector in Egypt. The main changes in the Egyptian climate would be an increase in temperature, evapotranspiration and sea level. Simulation studies show that reduce production, increase water demands of crops and lose agricultural lands are likely to be the main impacts of climate change on the Egyptian agriculture sector. The effects of climate change on aquaculture can be on natural resources that are necessary for aquaculture productions such as water availability, land, feed, seed, and energy inputs. However, different adaptation options involve that improving the technical water application efficiency and water conservation, as well as selection and breeding tolerant crops to heat, salinity and water use efficiency. Changing the time of sowing and management practices, encouraging farmers to adopt crops that high return with less water use and developing new crop models can consider other agricultural options for adapting climate change. The government should take extreme efforts to enhance the productivity of the agriculture sector and mitigate the risks of climate change impacts.
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