Fűz és nyár avar lebontásának vizsgálata a Balaton területén



Salix, Populus, leaf litter decomposition, Lake Balaton, Kis-Balaton Wetland


Willow-poplar forests can be found in the direct environment of almost every surface water body in Hungary, but mainly as the characteristic plant community of the flood areas of our rivers. In the recent decades these forests suffered lots of damage mainly due to human intervention: these areas were transformed into arable land, pastures and fruit farms. Large amount of leaf litter enters the surface water bodies during the autumn leaf fall, which raises their organic content. In our study, the decomposition rate of leaf litter samples were examined in the vegetation period near Lake Balaton with a litter bag method, the two concerned species were Salix alba and Populus nigra. The results show the effect of temperature, as well as the role of macroinvertebrates in the intensity of decomposition.


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How to Cite

Szalai, Ákos, Simon, B., & Kucserka, T. (2020). Fűz és nyár avar lebontásának vizsgálata a Balaton területén. GEORGIKON FOR AGRICULTURE, 24(2), 49-58. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/gfa/article/view/6228

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