Google Trends: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence
artificial intelligence, Google Trends, past, present, futureAbstract
Artificial intelligence is one of the fastest growing areas of technological development today. This study deals with the expansion of artificial intelligence from 2010 to the present day. I used the Google Trends service for data collection. With the help of the service, I investigated what search data we could find for the term artificial intelligence from 2010 to the present day and where the term was searched for the most geographically. Based on searches, 2023 was the breakthrough year for artificial intelligence in Hungary. The counties that stood out in their searches – Hajdú-Bihar (Debrecen), Csongrád-Csanád (Szeged) and Baranya (Pécs) – where universities with a long history operate.
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Worldwide search data:
Hungarian search data:
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