The Effect of Expanding and Granulation Used During Feed Production on Poultry and Swinw Compound Feed
water-soluble fibers, water-insoluble fibers, feed production, expanding, granulationAbstract
During feed production, the feed raw materials that make up the feed mixture undergo various thermal and mechanical treatments, however, we do not consider these effects as influencing factors when formulating. In our experiment, we examined 19 compound feed with respect to insoluble (IDF), soluble (SDFP), and neutral detergent fiber (NDF). In the plant, the samples were taken after the mixer, after the expander, and after the press, so a total of 57 mixed feed samples were examined. We determined the amount of crude fiber, the IDF and SDFP content using an analytical method. We examined the fiber fractions using the Van Soest method. Depending on the production technology, significant differences were observed regarding IDF, SDFP, and raw fiber. The IDF content of all feed mixtures was 13.24% in the pellets, which significantly decreased (P<0.05) to 12% in the pellets. The SDFP content for all feed mixtures was 1.21% in the expanded mixture, and only 0.94% in the pellets (P<0.01). The average crude fiber content, calculated taking into account all compound feed, was statistically verifiable (P<0.05) different between the dry mixture (4.44 %) and pellets(4.52 %), as well as the expanded mixture (4.46 %) and pellets (4.52 %). From the results, we concluded that the thermal and mechanical treatments significantly reduce the soluble and insoluble fiber content, which should be taken into account during formulation. The decreasing trend of the soluble fiber content can be evaluated as a positive thing, since the anti-nutritive effect in the feed ingredients can be reduced, there by improving feed sales.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Brigitta Kiss, Márta Erdélyi, Nikoletta Such, Kesete Goitom Tewelde, Károly Dublecz

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