Some climatic aspects of apple growing



Malus domestica, global climate change


Malus domestica Borkh is the most widely grown fruit in the temperate climate (worldwide only bananas and citrus fruits precede it). The regional impact of global warming has already been manifested in extreme weather events today. Signs of climate change are also reflected in the intensity and frequency of temperature and precipitation extremes. The number of heat waves and hot days will increase throughout Europe, including Hungary, which will be accompanied by the rarer extremes of cold and frosty days, which - supported by previous researches - may result in changes in apple production. The behavior of plants is influenced by various ecological processes, of which weather factors and climatic conditions are of great importance. Individual weather conditions, especially temperature, affect all aspects of apple growing.


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How to Cite

Simon, S., Kucserka, T., & Anda, A. (2021). Some climatic aspects of apple growing. GEORGIKON FOR AGRICULTURE, 25(1), 39-51.

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