Natural Swimmingpools



natural swimming pools, clean water by plants, health- and environmental protection


Modern landscape research examines the current potential of the landscape from the point of view of the adequacy of future landscape utilization. This research can be particularly important and useful in environmentally sensitive areas where human presence/tourism causes significant changes through its effects on the environment. In Germany, which has the same conditions as the region West-Transdanubia, are already more than 100 chlorine-free, biologically cleaned eco-beaches and in Austria also. For these pools are cleaning the water plants, instead of harmful chemicals. In order to ensure and maintain adequate hygienic conditions, most swimming pools, commercial accommodation, beaches water is full of chemicals, mainly chlorine, which irritate the eyes and skin, and also pollute the surrounding soil and plants.

Author Biographies

  • Dóra Horváth, MATE Georgikon Campus


  • Angéla Anda, MATE Georgikon Campus


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How to Cite

Horváth, D., & Anda, A. (2024). Natural Swimmingpools. GEORGIKON FOR AGRICULTURE, 28(Suppl. 2), 67-72.

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