Védekezés a fehérpenészes rothadást okozó Sclerotinia sclerotiorum növénykórokozó gomba ellen cickafark olajjal és nátriumkloriddal in vitro környezetben
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, watercress, sodium-chloride, essential oilAbstract
White mould, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is a worldwide plant pathogen. Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) is a new host plant of S. sclerotiorum that was identified in 2020 in Hungary first. S. sclerotiorum was detected on the watercress plantation during the cultivation time in aquaponic system. It caused about 30% yield losses. Chemical pesticides are not allowed using in aquaponical systems against the pathogen due to the fish sensitivity. Sodium-chloride (NaCl) and milfoil essential oil were tested against the fungus in vitro. Sodium-chloride at in a concentration of 85.000 ppm effectively inhibited the growth of the pathogen. The essential oil in a concentration of 500 ppm had a weak inhibitory effect on the growth.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Kitti Csüllög, Gábor Tarcali, Adrienn Ragó, Judit Éva Lelesz, Milán Fehér, Erika Kutasy, István Csaba Virág, Györgyi Biró

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