Cottonseed as protein source - Hungarian case study
cottonseed, ripening period, stem height, crude proteinAbstract
Cotton genotypes were tested for production technology in 2024 at the MATE Research Institute in Karcag. We compared the latest agrotechnical guidelines of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry from 1951 with the current cultivation possibilities. The laboratory results confirmed that the seed crop, considered as a by-product of cotton production, has an excellent crude protein content. Maize silage with cottonseed supplementation has result resulted in less shed fibre. Extracted cottonseed contains 43% crude protein and maybe a soy substitute worth considering. Its amino acid composition makes it an optimal formulation for ruminants in particular. Based on our experience, early maturing genotypes with lower stalk height should be cultivated under domestic conditions
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Copyright (c) 2024 Halász András, Csízi István, Varga Krisztina, Bojté Csilla, Bodnár Ákos , Egerszegi István, Kern László, Máthé László
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