Nutrient supply of suckling kits in early age



  • László Kacsala MATE Kaposvár Campus
  • Zsolt Matics MATE Kaposvár Campus



suckling rabbit, nutrient supply, nursing systems


Generally, rabbit does nurse their kits once a day for 3-4 minutes in circadian periodicity. During these events the kits are able to consume their daily feed requirement, which is approximately equal to 1/6 of their body weight. The milk intake, weight gain and survival of the kits depend both on the milk production and the willingness of nursing of their mother. Because the does are not able to produce the maximum level of nutrient intake and needs of the suckling kits, their growth potential is not utilized. Therefore, the goal of this study is to examine the nutrient supplementation of kits and to highlight the deficiencies of the nursing systems. The study summarizes the effect of using two mothers for one litter and the health influence of this technique. Finally, it emphasizes the physiological aspects of eating the fecal pellets of the doe by the kits.

Author Biography

  • László Kacsala, MATE Kaposvár Campus
    fő kapcsolattartó a szerkesztőségi levelezésnél


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How to Cite

Nutrient supply of suckling kits in early age: Review. (2021). ACTA AGRARIA KAPOSVARIENSIS, 25(1), 17-27.

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