Fatty acid and cholesterol composition of the lard of different genotypes of swine


  • János Csapó
  • Ferenc Húsvéth
  • Zsuzsanna Csapóné Kiss
  • Péter Horn
  • Zoltán Házas
  • Éva Vargáné Visi
  • Kálmán Bőcs


fatty acid composition, cholesterol content, Mangalica, Duroc, Hungarian great white


The authors determined the fatty acid composition and the cholesterol content of lard of Mangalica, Hungarian large white x Hungarian landrace, and Mangalica x Duroc swain. It was established that there are no significant differences among genotypes neither in saturated-, unsaturated- and essential fatty acid content nor cholesterol content of lard. According to their investigations the cholesterol content of the three different swine genotypes was between 71-109 mg/100g. They emphasise the very high concentration of oleic acid (43.6-44.8 relative%), and linoleic acid (10.6-11.5 relative%) content of lard.



How to Cite

Fatty acid and cholesterol composition of the lard of different genotypes of swine. (1999). ACTA AGRARIA KAPOSVARIENSIS, 3(3), 1-13. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/aak/article/view/1356