The effect of multienzyme preparation on the growth performance of broilers


  • Gordana Kralik
  • Ivan Bogut
  • Zoran; Škrtić
  • Goran Kušec


broiler, enzyme, body weight, feed conversion


The multienzyme preparation, as a stabilised mixture of enzymes: ß-glucanase, xylanase, α-amylase, protease, ß-glitcosidase, cellulose and chemicellulase, and its effect on fattening characteristics of broilers were investigated in this study. The research has been carried out on male Avian 34 broilers. Broilers in control group were fed with preparations containing 21.25% crude proteins and 13.3 MJ/kg ME, i.e. 19.45% crude proteins and 13.53 MJ/kg ME. The polienzyme preparation in the amount of 0.05% was added to the diets for broilers in experimental group. After 6 weeks of fattening, the average live weight of broilers in experimental group was 2088±69.89g, while the average live weight of broilers in control group was 1962±65.70g (P<0.01). Supplementation of multienzyme preparation influenced the achievement of higher live weights of the broilers from the experimental group for 6.42%, compared to the control and enhanced feed conversion for 5.52%. Evaluation of the inflection point (T1) proved that the supplementation of multienzyme preparation into the broiler diets improves progressive growth stage of broilers.




Hogyan kell idézni

Kralik, G., Bogut, I., Škrtić, Z., & Kušec, G. (2002). The effect of multienzyme preparation on the growth performance of broilers. Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 6(2), 245-252.

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