The potential role of greenways in landscape and urban develpoment
Based on an overview of the history of the concept of greenways in architectural design
greenways, parkway, green beltAbstract
The concept of greenways first appeared during the period of the creation and first expansion of ígth century cities. It was the era in which the development of urban architecture was fundamentally determined by the garden city movement based on the notions of Ebenezer Howard, while the design- work of Frederick Law Olmsted lay the foundation of landscape architecture as a new specialisation. Motivated by Howard’s ideas, Raymond Unwin developed the concept and design principles of the ‘green beit’ using London as the example. One of the significant achievements of Olmsted’s activities was the establishment of the ‘parkway’ concept, which has gained recognition as an efficient tool for improving the quality of city environments in America. In the second half of the 20th century, a new concept was forged by merging ‘parkway’ and ‘green belt’: the notion of a ‘greenway’ was introduced by William Whyte, the American urban architect and architecture writer. This notion, which has come to gain wide-ranging recognition by the beginning of the 21st century, has varied content when used in relation to American and Asian metropolises, the environs of European cities or smaller regions undergoing urbanisation. The shared core of those increasingly complex interpretations could be characterised as follows: greenways are linear elements of green networks with a set of functions that includes a recreational and/or ecological role, and which, in the optimál case, appears within urban development as an independent design category.
1 William H. Whyte (1917-1999), American urban architect and publicist, coined the term greenway in his 1998 paper entitled “Securing Open Space for Urban America". In his 1968 book, “The Last Landscape", he offered a cogent analysis of the effects of the massiue, largely unregulated urban expansion that had begun in the 1950’s, and proposed the introduction of greenways.
2 Landscape into Cityscape, edited by Albert Fein, New York, 1968, p. 157-158
3 Robert M. Searns: The evolution of greenways as an adaptive urban landscape form, Landscape and Urban Planning, 33 (1995) pp. 65-80
4 See footnote 1.
5 Annaliese Bischoff: The New Generation of Greenway Planning: More Sustainable Forms for the City, www.
6 Julius Gy. Fabos: Greenway planning in the United States: its origin and recent case studies, in: Landscape and Urban Planning, 68 (2004.321.342
7 David Thomas: London's Green Belt: The evolution of an idea, The Geographical Journal, Vol. 129, No. 1 (Mar., 1963), pp. 14-24
8 Patrick Abercombie (1879 -1957) British urban architect, played an important role in theplans for the reconstruction of London after World War II. He produced the plan for the Country of London (1943) and for Greater London (1944)
9 William Whyte: The Last Landscape, 1968, New York
10 See footnote 5.
11 Noel Grove: Greenways: Path to the Future, in: National Geographic, 1990. N0.6, Washington
12 Charles Little: Greenways for America, Maryland, 1990 pp.4-5.
13 Jack Ahern: Greenways in the USA: theory, trends and prospects, in: Ecological Networks and Greenways, New York, 2004 pp. 34-53
14 Rob Jongmann and Gloria Pungetti: Introduction: Ecological networks and greenways, in: Ecological Networks and Greenways, New York, 2004 pp.1-6
15 Dr. Attila Csemez et al: Dél-Budakörnyéki Zöld Öv Pilot Projekt, Budapest, 2000
16 Kinga Szilágyi: A zöldterülettől a zöldfelületi és szabadtér rendszerig, in: Száz éve született Ormos Imre, Budapest, 2003
17 Balázs Almási: A zöldhálózat tervezés metodikai fejlesztése Budapest peremkerületének példáján, PhD Thesis, Budapest, 2007
18 Pro Verde!, Stúdió Metropolitana Kht, Budapest, 2006
19 István Széchenyi: Pesti por és sár, Budapest, 1866
20 Eszter Gábor: Az Andrássy út körül, Budapest, 2010 ZÖLDUTAK
21 Dr. Kinga M. Szilágyi: Zöldfelületi rendszer városfejlesztés és várostervezés kontextusában, in: MMXC Mőcsényi Mihály Kilencven év, Budapest, 2009
22 Péter Schuchmann: A zöldövezet fejlesztés lehetőségei a Budapesti agglomerációban, in: Falu Város Régió, 2008/1, Budapest
23 The harmonisation ofitems of legislation referring to the ecological and recreational role of urban and landscape-scale green areas from the perspective of green area planning would be exceptionally important.
24 Sopron Declaration Enviromental Partnership for Sustainable Development, July, 2006 in
25 Ivan Gyulai: Ökológiai folyosók, zöldfolyosók, Természet Világa, 1996/2. 41-43- pp, Budapest
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