Spontaneous genesis of - a case study on the architecture of laké Bököd


  • Tibor Kecskés Budapest Business School


case study, genesis, Lake Bokod


The broader concept of spontaneous architecture entered into professional discourse in the 1 9 70S and became closely related to the post-modem trends of the age through its philosophical background. Bemard Rudofsky and Christopher Alexander, recognized as outstanding figures of the theory’s international forum, stand up for the legitimacy of lay architecture in their emblematic works stressing that architecture is an essentially structural formula, and as such the vein absolutism of form creation is against its very essence. Rudofsky presents the nameless branch of architectural history analyzing the impressive products created without any contribution by architects. Alexander goes as far as denying the artistic character of architecture, calls per excellence architectural formation unnecessary, moreover, downright harmful in respect to numerous instances of space creation.


Author Biography

  • Tibor Kecskés , Budapest Business School

    ass. professor

    e-mail: tkecskes@yahoo.com


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Capra, Fritjof: The tao of physics; London, Fontana Paperbacks, 1985;

Eco, Umberto: Nyitottmű (Open work); Budapest, Európa Kiadó, 1998;

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Gondolat Kiadó, Budapest, 1976; Saussure, Ferdinand de: Bevezetés az általános nyelvészetbe (Introduction to generál linguistics); Budapest,

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Gondolat Kiadó, 1985; Wittgenstein, Ludwig: Filozófiai vizsgálódások (Philosophical investigations);







How to Cite

Spontaneous genesis of - a case study on the architecture of laké Bököd. (2013). 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 29, 46-63. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/4D/article/view/5951

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