History o f the Great Patté d ’Oie at the Esterházy Castle o f Fertőd


  • Kristóf Fatsar Corvinus University of Budapest, Department for Garden Art




Esterházy Castle, Great Patté d ’Oie, historical gardens


The Esterházy Castle of Fertőd, as we know it today, is the achievement of the late 18th century. Nevertheless, it has a much longer history. A smaller mansion already stood there in the 17th century, possibly even earlier. This building had been transformed to a smaller castle in 1720 that forms the core of the present one. Between 1728 and 1731 the first ornamental garden was created by the Viennese ‘garden engineer’, as he called himself, Anton Zinner.

Author Biography

  • Kristóf Fatsar, Corvinus University of Budapest, Department for Garden Art

    landscape architect
    associated professor

    E-mail: kristof.fatsar@uni-corvinus.hu


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How to Cite

History o f the Great Patté d ’Oie at the Esterházy Castle o f Fertőd. (2006). 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 3, 10-17. https://doi.org/10.36249/4d.3.5875

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