Landscape values in Budaörs


  • Ágnes Sallay Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology



Budaörs, Landscape values


In the middle of the 19th Century, before the great adaptation of Hungarian language the ratio in the composition of population of the ancient Hungary was: Roman (19%), Slovak (14%) and German (11%). These data has not changed significantly in the time of the national census in 1910 (Romanian (16%), Slovak (11%) and German (10%) in spite of the confirmation of the adaptation of Hungarian (from 1907, according to the Lex Apponyi the Hungarian language was obligatory in every school.) After the First World War, the ratio of ethnic minorities has decreased in consequence of disannexing some territories. This tendency has continued between the two world war. The ratio of nationality considerably changed after the second world ware because of deportation of Germans.

Author Biography

  • Ágnes Sallay, Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology

    Dr. habil. assoc. prof.



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How to Cite

Landscape values in Budaörs. (2015). 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 38, 10-33.

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