Ecological plant design and biodiverse green roof of the Green House office building in Budapest


  • Péter István Balogh Corvinus University of Budapest Dept. of Garden and Openspace Design
  • Ákos Bede-Fazekas Corvinus University of Budapest Dept. of Garden and Openspace Design
  • Péter Dezsényi Deep Forest Ltd. / National Association of Green Roof and Green Wall Builders



ecological, biodiverse, green roof


There is a new office-building-garden in Budapest where beside the traditional landscape architectural elements a significant emphasis was put on an ecologically informed plant application and a bio-diverse green roof was built instead of the well-known homogeneous Sedum green roof. Beside the open-mindedness of the real estate developing company the designers were also aided by the international assessment system that beyond many other aspects also assesses the environment of buildings and awards environmentally friendly solutions with high scores and prestigious awards. In our paper we will examine the international assessment systems for "green architecture" and then we will present the fundamental concept of the Green House's garden as well as its plant application.

Author Biographies

  • Péter István Balogh, Corvinus University of Budapest Dept. of Garden and Openspace Design

    assoc. professor, lead engineer

    landscape architect, PhD, DLA


  • Ákos Bede-Fazekas, Corvinus University of Budapest Dept. of Garden and Openspace Design

    PhD student

    landscape architect


  • Péter Dezsényi, Deep Forest Ltd. / National Association of Green Roof and Green Wall Builders

    managing director, chairman

    okl. kertészmérnök



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Budapest, Teréz krt. 62. A DVM Group fejlesztése. Tervező: Fekete Antal, Kulcsár Zoltán. Környezet: Karádi Gábor,

Budapest, Könyves Kálmán krt.11., Skanska fejlesztés. Vezető tervező: Cságoly Ferenc, Szabó Levente. Környezet: s73 Kft.

Budapest, Neumann János utca 1/E., IVG fejlesztés. Vezető tervező: Kertész András Tibor DLA, Marián Balázs.

Budapest, Dunavirág u. 2., ABLON fejlesztés. Tervező: Dr. Fekete Lajos, Fazekas Artur. Környezet: Nemes Zoltán

Budapest, Váci út 117-129. A fejlesztő: Atenor Group. Tervező: Tiba János és Király Zoltán. Környezet: s73 Kft.







How to Cite

Ecological plant design and biodiverse green roof of the Green House office building in Budapest. (2013). 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 30, 2-23.

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