Interpretation possibilities of shore-zones and confining methods in still waters' landscape evaluation


  • Zsombor Boromisza Dept. of Landscape Protection and Reclamation, Faculty of Landscape Architecture, Corvinus University of Budapest



still water, shore-zone


Still waters’ shore zones provide possibility for many utilisation forms, at the same time, ecological, environment protection’s functions, (e.g. special habitat, buffer function) being determinant from the whole water body’s point of view, are also connected to this land zone. In the landscape architectural routine special attention should be given to lakeshores’ planning, to protect landscape potential. To define proper landscaping-, regulating and managing tasks on the long run, a landscape evaluation is necessary, which considers the shore’s special features focusing on the interpretation of shore, shore-zone and on confining an optimal monitoring area. 

Author Biography

  • Zsombor Boromisza, Dept. of Landscape Protection and Reclamation, Faculty of Landscape Architecture, Corvinus University of Budapest

    assistant lecturer

    landscape architect



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How to Cite

Interpretation possibilities of shore-zones and confining methods in still waters’ landscape evaluation. (2010). 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 19, 46-53.

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