From landscape character to urban image; transformation of vineyards in the old Buda regions


  • Illyés Zsuzsanna Szent István University, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism, Budapest, Department of Landscape Protection and Reclamation
  • Földi Zsófia Szent István University, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism, Budapest, Department of Landscape Protection and Reclamation
  • Jákli Eszter Szent István University, Doctoral School of Landscape Architecture and Landscape Ecology, Budapest, Department of Landscape Protection and Reclamation
  • Nádasy László Szent István University, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism, Budapest, Department of Landscape Protection and Reclamation



urban image, landscape character, urban vineyards, landscape history, building character, Buda, Buda hills, Buda villas, green surfaces of Buda, landscape change


Buda hills — considered as a live-able  urban  environment  and  attractive living space — has been formed on site of former vineyards. Similar area changes have occurred in different European capitals too, but, in terms of viticulture, corresponding terri- tories have been occupied by urban landscape in a different manner. The primary focus of our study was to identify the building blocks of the Buda facade and its background.

This paper intends to analyse the land-scape/urban transformation Buda vineyards has undergone since the last decades of the 19th century. The changes were analysed at the  same  territory using identical point of views. The study

  • by exploring the phases and driving forces of changes in urban growth and plant cover — intends to present the preserved characteristics and landscape elements of viticulture. Landscape approach of people at all times is pictured through the inconstant ways and tools of searching for landscape The results show, that, in terms of Buda, the civil villas and estate centres of hill estates could be identified as the archetype of the subse- quent urban growth character. The gradual urban growth followed by the phylloxera plague is equally attributed to the constant residential needs and to the inner market crisis of viniculture.

The significant number of trees has a beneficial effect on urban character and a harmonising impact on architectural diversity. On the contrary, today, the same trees rather obstruct the visual connections from the higher parks and lookouts. According to the uniform landscape/urban character of Hegyvidék — divided into districts in terms of public administration —, its similar development history, as well as its values and problems, a capital zone levelled image regulation is needed.

Author Biographies

  • Illyés Zsuzsanna, Szent István University, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism, Budapest, Department of Landscape Protection and Reclamation

    associated professor, head of department

    landscape architect

  • Földi Zsófia, Szent István University, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism, Budapest, Department of Landscape Protection and Reclamation

    assistant lecturer

    landscape architect


  • Jákli Eszter, Szent István University, Doctoral School of Landscape Architecture and Landscape Ecology, Budapest, Department of Landscape Protection and Reclamation

    PhD student

    landscape architect


  • Nádasy László, Szent István University, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism, Budapest, Department of Landscape Protection and Reclamation

    assistant lecturer

    landscape architect


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How to Cite

From landscape character to urban image; transformation of vineyards in the old Buda regions. (2018). 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 48, 2-39.

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