Unique landscape features and significance of former allotment gardens in the protection of the visual landscape


  • Albicz Kinga MATE, Institute of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Garden Art, Budapest, Department of Landscape Protection and Reclamation
  • Nóra Hubayné Horváth MATE, Institute of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Garden Art, Budapest, Department of Landscape Protection and Reclamation




allotment garden, landscape heritage, unique landscape feature , historical vineyard, landscape change, (visual) landscape protection


The term “allotment garden” is a special form of land use, developed in Hungary under socialism in the early 1960s. It originally referred to privately owned small parcels of land, traditionally vineyards, orchards and gardens, which offered their owners weekend recreation in addition to the opportunity of backyard farming. However, the vast majority of allotment gardens have a historical background, with horticulture having existed before gardens were classified as allotment gardens. Since their creation, allotment gardens have undergone a significant change of function. Some have been preserved for traditional small-scale garden farming, while others were integrated into settlements as residential areas, or grassy, neglected, afforested areas. Despite the process of transformation and degradation, allotment gardens still today contain various landscape features: they more or less preserve the characteristics of human conscious land-scape forming activities, landscape pattern, natural heritage and valuable visual features of the landscape, and in many cases the heritage of historic land use and remained traces of farming. This article approaches the value of allotment gardens from a heritage and visual landscape protection viewpoint, at national and sample area level. The aim of the study is to explore vineyard origins and landscape significance of allotment gardens and to present the unique landscape features of allotment gardens applying geographic information methods. Furthermore, the results of the analysis of the vineyard origins analysis revealed that the vineyard past as a historical antecedent can be detected in a significant part of the total area of allotment gardens. The results of the study indicated that unique landscape features occur at a density almost five times higher than the national average in the allotment-garden areas. One-third of the country's unique landscape features related to vine and fruit production are concentrated in these areas. However, the research also revealed that the survey on allotment garden landscape features of cultural and historical significance is far from being complete. Presumably, there are many more landscape features (cellars, gorges and retaining walls of stone) in the allotment gardens than are recorded in the unique landscape feature database. The significance of allotment gardens in the protection of the visual landscape is confirmed by the fact that the proportion of allotment garden patches classified as zones of visually sensitive landscapes is almost one and a halftimes the national rate.

Author Biographies

  • Albicz Kinga, MATE, Institute of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Garden Art, Budapest, Department of Landscape Protection and Reclamation

    PhD Student

    e-mail: kinga.albicz@gmail.com

  • Nóra Hubayné Horváth, MATE, Institute of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Garden Art, Budapest, Department of Landscape Protection and Reclamation

    associate professor, PhD
    e-mail: hubayne.horvath.nora@uni-mate.hu


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How to Cite

Unique landscape features and significance of former allotment gardens in the protection of the visual landscape. (2023). 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 69, 42-53. https://doi.org/10.36249/4d.69.4437

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