Remote Sensing-Based Impact Assessment of a Water Diversion on Local Forested Ecosystems in the Regions of Szigetköz (Hungary) and Csallóköz (Slovakia)


  • Dániel Kristóf Szent István University, Dept. of Geoinformatics, 2103 Gödöllő, Páter K. u. 1.



űrfelvétel, Landsat, erdő, kvantitatív változásvizsgálat, geometriai korrekció, radiometriai korrekció, nedvesség


This study deals with the quantification of the effects of a water diversion on local forested ecosystems in the area of Szigetköz (Hungary) and Csallóköz (Slovakia), where the Danube River was diverted into a reservoir and an artificial canal in 1992 to produce electricity. Numerous satellite images, representing a period of 20 years, are used to carry out quantitative change analysis. From a methodological point of view, this case study is the most important of the three, as the long study period, the large number of images and the objectives of the study require the application and testing of all the aforementioned methods, and the elaboration of new methods, especially for geometric and radiometric corrections and data fusion. Based on RS data processing by applying the above-mentioned methods, it can be stated that an important decrease of the forest wetness values can be observed between 1992 and 1993 in the neighbourhood of Kisbodak and Spáleny Les, likely due to the diversion of the Danube River. Later on, however, most of these areas show regeneration, while other forests are characterised by a further decrease till 1994. Beginning from 1997, a gradual regeneration can be observed, with, however, several ancient willow forests showing irreversible damage.

Author Biography

  • Dániel Kristóf, Szent István University, Dept. of Geoinformatics, 2103 Gödöllő, Páter K. u. 1.


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How to Cite

Remote Sensing-Based Impact Assessment of a Water Diversion on Local Forested Ecosystems in the Regions of Szigetköz (Hungary) and Csallóköz (Slovakia) . (2006). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, 4(1), 179-193.

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