Kunhalomkutatások (a Csípő-halom vegetációja)
Hortobágy, Festuca javorkae, kurgans, loess vegetationAbstract
Besides investigations on soils, current flora and vegetation were also examined on a mound called Csípő-halom (Hortobágy, East Hungary). According to data registered so far, we have recorded 71 sprouting plant species. A significant part of the species are weeds or tolerate disturbance well, however, several plants are present in great numbers on natural grasslands too. Moreover, new floristical data could also be recorded. Among dominant species, previously published data on taxae Festuca rupicola Heuff., Festuca valesiaca Schleich. and Agropyron pectiniforme R. et Sch. for the area of Hortobágy was only from one habitat. Festuca javorkae Majovsk¥ and Erodium ciconium (Jusl.) L’Hérit are new data registered in the area of Hortobágy. In spite of the small extension of this mound, a rather variable vegetation could develop. Agropyron-Kochietum prostratae Zólyomi 1958 can be found near the top. On most parts of the mound, a significantly changed type of natron steppe vegetations is general, with Poa angustifolia L. as its dominant species. Also a subassociation – with Festuca valesiaca Schleich. – of the natron steppe occurs wedged into the grasslands mentioned before. In the lower zones of the slope a continuous stand of natron steppe (Salvio-Festucetum rupicolae /Zólyomi 1958/ Soó 1964) can also be found in which also Festuca javorkae Majovský is present besides the dominant Festuca rupicola Heuff. On the Northeastern side of the hill smaller spots of saliferous pastures (Artemisio-Festucetum pseudovinae /Rapaics 1916/ Soó 1963) occur, which are general in the neighbourhoods of the mound. Based on the dominant species and the physiognomical differences of the vegetation, the certain vegetation zones are situated as belts. Although considering the constituting species of the vegetation types, mixture of species is more significant e. g. Festuca pseudovina Hack. ex Wiesb. – dominant species in saliferous pastures – can be also found in the pioneer silty zone close to the top.
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