Relevant research issues in geoecology


  • Szilvia Csató Szent István University, Institute of Enviromental Management Department of Landscape Ecology, H–2103 Gödöllő, Páter K. u. 1.
  • Gábor Mezősi University of Szeged, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics, H–6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2–6.



landscape ecology, holistic approach, ecological systems


Hungarian landscape ecology also overran the traditional landscape standardization, and became a rapidly developing discipline with holistic approach. The first part of this paper briefly outlines the geographical reading of the landscape as well as the relationship between geoecology and landscape ecology. The second part summarizes the research priorities by the landscape ecological literature of the latest years (Hobbs 1997, WU and Hobbs 2002).
Geoecology is principally based upon measurements, deals with applied issues from geographical point of view and usually surveys abiotic parameters to understand ecotopes. After the period of reveal of hierarchical structure of landscape types in Hungary, the function-orientated landscape analysis came into prominence.
One of the most important research area is to understand the relationship between spatial pattern and ecological flows and processes.
Several new and advanced techniques – as GIS, remote sensing and geostatistical methods – have to be in used in the landscape survey design, data handling and assessment. These powerful techniques need to be applied in search of meaningful questions to answer. At the same time complex mathematical approaches should be integrated in assessments and new methods have to be developed.
Third main, but probably the most challenging research area is monitoring temporal landscape changes in the interest of landscape conservation and sustainability. Furthermore, landscape ecology needs to incorporate
– beyond physical and biological studies – the socioeconomic, cultural and political knowledge as well.


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Tanulmányok, eredeti közlemények

How to Cite

Relevant research issues in geoecology. (2003). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, 1(1), 19-32.

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