Microelement content studies in soils of dolomite grasslands and austrian pine plantations


  • András Halbritter Res. Inst. for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry of the Hung. Acad. Sci. Herman Ottó út 15., Budapest, H-1022
  • Júlia Tamás Botanical Department of the Hungarian Natural History Museum, P.O. Box 222., Budapest, H-1476
  • Attila Anton Res. Inst. for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry of the Hung. Acad. Sci. Herman Ottó út 15., Budapest, H-1022
  • Nikolett Uzinger Res. Inst. for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry of the Hung. Acad. Sci. Herman Ottó út 15., Budapest, H-1022




Buda Hills, dolomite, microelement content, Pinus nigra, rock grassland, soil analyses, soil pollution


Soil microelement content of closed dolomite grassland (ZG) and Pinus nigra Arn. plantation (FF) of north facing slopes were compared. At FF sites the original vegetation was ZG prior to afforestation. For each vegetation type 5 sampling sites were selected in the Buda Mts., Hungary. At each sites soil samples were taken from three depths (0–5 cm, 5–10 cm and 10–15 cm) then transported to the laboratory. Microelement concentrations of the corresponding soil layers of the two vegetation types were statistically analyzed (t-test). Number of microelements showing significant differences in their concentrations was increased with soil depth. At the deepest layer (10–15 cm) significant differences were found for 10 microelements (Pb, Al, Cd, Sr, Fe, Ba, Zn, Co, Ni, Mn) and their concentrations were always higher in the pine plantation. Values exceeding the limits of background concentrations were found for lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) in three and four cases, respectively. Surprisingly, in case of FF sites these airborne trace-element pollutants showed concentrations higher at depth 10–15 cm than at depth 5–10 cm. Concentrations of some further trace-elements showed similar inversion at FF sites, but their amounts did not exceed limits of background concentrations. Possible causes of the observed differences between soils of grassland and pine plantation sites were discussed.

Author Biographies

  • András Halbritter, Res. Inst. for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry of the Hung. Acad. Sci. Herman Ottó út 15., Budapest, H-1022


  • Júlia Tamás, Botanical Department of the Hungarian Natural History Museum, P.O. Box 222., Budapest, H-1476



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How to Cite

Microelement content studies in soils of dolomite grasslands and austrian pine plantations. (2005). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY | TÁJÖKÖLÓGIAI LAPOK , 3(1), 63-73. https://doi.org/10.56617/tl.4512

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