A new vegetation based habitat classification and manual for standardized habitat mapping
habitat identification, landscape evaluation, large-scale mapping, naturalness-based habitat quality, nature conservationAbstract
Today the documentation of natural heritage with scientific methods, but for conservation practice – such as mapping of actual vegetation – becomes more and more important. For this purpose, mapping guides containing only the names and descriptions of vegetation types are not sufficient. Instead, new, mapping-oriented vegetation classification systems and handbooks are needed.
There are different standardised systems fitted to the characteristics of a region already published and used successfully for surveying large territories. However, detailed documentation of the aims and steps of their elaboration is still missing.
Here we present a habitat classification method developed specifically for mapping and the steps of its development. Habitat categories and descriptions reflect site conditions, physiognomy and species composition as well. However, for species composition much lower role was given deliberately than in the phytosociological systems. Recognition and mapping of vegetation types in the field is highly supported by a definition, list of subtypes and list of ‘types not belonging to this habitat category’. Our system is two-dimensional: the first dimension is the habitat type, the other is the naturalness based habitat quality. The development of the system was conducted in two steps, and over 200 mappers have already tested it during over 7000 field days in different projects.
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