New methods of fine-resolution vegetation analyses applicable for landscape-scale surveys and monitoring
For the memory of Bálint Zólyomi
Diversity of species combinations, Restoration and conservation management, Spatial processes, Transect samplingAbstract
Short-term consequences of landscape-scale vegetation changes appear at fine spatial scales. We propose a sampling designs (a version of the line-intercept sampling) where presence of plant species are recorded along 52 m long circular belt transects of 1040 units of 0.5 cm´0.5 cm contiguous microquadrats. Various aspects of fine-scale organization, i.e. the structural complexity and spatial dependence of species combinations can be calculated from these baseline data by using information theory models. Information theory measures are estimated across a range of scales from 5 cm´5 cm to 5 cm´25 m by merging two, then three, then four, …etc. consecutive microquadrats by subsequent computerised samplings from the baseline transect data sets. Transect sampling is much faster than other sampling methods. By the application of transect sampling, the time necessary to perform the sampling in a particular vegetation stand has been reduced to one day, even in species-rich grasslands. Thus, a research team of 6–8 people is able to collect large comparative data sets, sampling 50–60 transects within a single sampling period. Therefore, these methods are effective also at landscape-scale surveys and for long-term monitoring with tolerable sampling disturbance.
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