Weed vegetation changes in Gödöllő-hill area respectively to marginal and agricultural areas


  • Andrea Tóth Szent István University, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology
  • Ákos Balogh Szent István University, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology
  • Barnabás Wichmann Szent István University, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology
  • András Penksza Szent István University, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology
  • Ferenc Gyulai Fitohistoria Ltd. 3051 Szarvasgede, Béke u. 6.
  • József Berke SFD Information Technology Ltd., 8360 Keszthely, Meggyfa u. 47.
  • Boglárka Uj Debreceni Egyetem AGTC, MÉK, Nature Conservational Zoology and Wildlife Management Department, 4032 Debrecen, Böszörményi út 138.
  • Judit Házi Szent István University, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology
  • Károly Penksza Szent István University, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology




farm field, field margin, bound, mowing, transect


In our study 6−6 transects were made at the border of Kartal in the area of Gödöllő Hills area from 1994 to 2012. Relevés made-up from forest, grassland and mown edges. Coverage values of species recorded in 5 cases. For evaluation two-way cluster and DCA analysis were applied. Results indicate that species composition of transect of forest-grassland edge completely changed, impoverished and invasive Ailanthus altissima became dominant. Marginal area of lawn contained large amount of species. Its maintenance and mowing played an important role in conservation of species. In field quadrates, in general, the number of species decreased along from the edge. Edge effect prevailed in the first quadrate in case of woody turf quadrates, whereas in case of mowed roadside edges, larger number of species was detected in second quadrate.

Author Biography

  • Andrea Tóth, Szent István University, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology

    corresponding author


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How to Cite

Weed vegetation changes in Gödöllő-hill area respectively to marginal and agricultural areas. (2012). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY | TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK , 10(2), 427-445. https://doi.org/10.56617/tl.3813

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