The role of the evaluation of drought and inundation losses and that of flood protection ecosystem service in the conversion of areas exposed to excess surface water into wet habitats


  • Zsolt Pinke Szent István University, Environmental Doctoral School Institute of Enviromental- and Landscape Management, Department of Agrarian- and Environmental Management H-2103 Gödöllő, Páter Károly utca 1., Hungary



European Water Framework Directive, flood protection, landscape management, land use change, river basin plan


The number one objective of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) is to restore the good status of water bodies. For Hungary, where more than 10% of the area is arable land highly exposed to excess surface water and 40−45% of croplands lie in the most drought affected zone, the implementation of the WFD is of particular significance. According to the findings of the descriptive statistical examination of the paper drought and excess surface water events lead to a crop loss exceeding 0.5% of the Hungarian GDP every three years. In the five counties exposed to drought and excess surface water the most the yield loss for most crops studied was higher than the national average over the last 100 years. In an other analysis the costs calculated in cubic metres of a huge flood protection investment in the Tisza Valley and two wetland rehabilitation programs were examined. By comparing the costs and benefits, the aspects of cutting flood protection costs, reducing exposure to environmental damage, the implementation of the WFD and other environmental objectives may be brought to a common denominator with the interests of land users.

Author Biography

  • Zsolt Pinke, Szent István University, Environmental Doctoral School Institute of Enviromental- and Landscape Management, Department of Agrarian- and Environmental Management H-2103 Gödöllő, Páter Károly utca 1., Hungary


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How to Cite

The role of the evaluation of drought and inundation losses and that of flood protection ecosystem service in the conversion of areas exposed to excess surface water into wet habitats . (2012). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY | TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK , 10(2), 271-286.

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