Survey and comparison of conflicts about presence of stone marten (Martes Foina) in two towns


  • Patrik Plank Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute for Wildlife Management and Nature Conservation, Department of Wildlife Biology and Management, 2100 Gödöllő, Páter K. u. 1.
  • Zsolt Biró Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute for Wildlife Management and Nature Conservation, Department of Wildlife Biology and Management, 2100 Gödöllő, Páter K. u. 1.



Tata, Szárliget, questionnaire, hair trap, damages


The appearance of stone martens and the damage they cause in urban areas is becoming an increasingly investigated and talked about topic just as the appearance of other wild animals. Because of expanding cities and villages more and more species are finding shelter in human settlements which is causing an increasing number of conflicts between humans and predators. During our research we tried to measure the damage of stone martens in two inhabited settlements (Szárliget, Tata) using a survey. To complete the results of the questionnaire and to collect additional information about the urban occurrence of the predator species artificial nests and hair traps were used. We wanted to find answers to the following questions: A) when does the highest number of damaging occur, B) what is most frequently destroyed by the stone martens, and C) what is the difference in damage magnitude between a town and a village? As for prevention and capturing methods at both villages and cities, people tend to mostly use tips from the internet (e.g., placing water bottles around the vehicles) but these attempts proved unsuccessful. In both types of settlements, the martens caused the most damages in cars by biting the wires. The hair traps as well as the artificial nests were visited by cats, dogs and birds at Szárliget. The presence of stray cats and dogs is significantly based on the visits of the hair traps and artificial nests. The results of the survey confirmed the conclusions of Hungarian and foreign scientific publications about the urbanized distribution and damages of the stone marten.

Author Biography

  • Patrik Plank, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute for Wildlife Management and Nature Conservation, Department of Wildlife Biology and Management, 2100 Gödöllő, Páter K. u. 1.

    corresponding author


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How to Cite

Survey and comparison of conflicts about presence of stone marten (Martes Foina) in two towns. (2021). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY | TÁJÖKÖLÓGIAI LAPOK , 19(1), 13-22.

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