Possible cooperations of players of local economy to boost the competitiveness of rural area


  • Henrietta Nagy Szent István Egyetem, Gazdaság és Társadalomtudományi Kar




helyi gazdaságfejlesztés, versenyképesség, helyi szereplők, vidékfejlesztés


The aim of this study is to discover the ways how the local players can play a role in the complex development of rural – based on the Hungarian situation mainly disadvantaged – areas taking the 9 pillars of the rural security. Obviously, there is no such uniform strategic path or sample that could be applied for all the areas, since they got to the socio-economically disadvantaged situation in individual ways and due to various conditions. However, there are key factors whose development is inevitable to break out from this unfavourable status so that rurality would not be automatically equal to unfavourable situation. In Hungary, a lot of people live inthe countryside, thus helping the rural areas to catch up and to improve their competitiveness should be an unquestionable priority at national level.

Author Biography

  • Henrietta Nagy , Szent István Egyetem, Gazdaság és Társadalomtudományi Kar

    egyetemi docens
    E-mail: nagy.henrietta@gtk.szie.hu


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