Preemergens készítmények hatásának vizsgálata szójában
soybean, weed control, preemergentAbstract
Soybean protein is more than 25% of the total vegetable protein produced in the world. In the period 2016-2017, the total amount of soybean in the world reached 320 million tons. In recent years, the area and quantity of soy have grown worldwide (Source: From these information, we can infer the important role of soybeans in our cultivated plants. It plays an exceptional role mainly in animal feed (poultry, pigs) but also in human nutrition. Its great advantage is that it can be easily incorporated into the crop rotation, thus reducing the Hungarian grain-centric production (Balikó, 2015). The purpose of our experiment is to determine the effectiveness of preemergent herbicide treatments or combinations in combating Echinochloa crus-galli, Hibiscus trionum, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Datura stramonium and Chenopodium album. The experiment was carried out in a small parcel set up by Belchim Crop Projection Hungary Kft. Our study concluded that mono-and dicotyledonous weeds, which are derived from the seed, cannot be effectively controlled on the basis of preemergent treatment alone.
Balikó, S. 2015. Szójatermesztés korszerűen. S-Press 5 Kft. 8–18., 20–26., 47–59.
Bányai, T. 2015. A hazai GMO mentes szója helyzete és jövője. Holstein magazin 23.1. 24–25.
Keszthelyi, S. 2016. Szántóföldi növények kártevői. Agroinform Kiadó és Nyomda Kft., Budapest. 163–176.
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