Az őszi búza levélrozsdájának elhárítására irányuló egyszeri fungicid kezelés időzítésének jelentősége
wheat, plant pathology, leaf rust, plant protectionAbstract
The fungal disease, that causes wheat leaf rust (Puccinia recondita) is considered a threat to the hungarian crop production. To have a better timed chemical protection against it, we made an experiment on small parcels of land with an autumn wheat that is suscectible to the wheat rust. There were seven treatments in total. In the first one (the untreated control), we did not use any protection. In the other six, I used fungicides that contained both fluxapyroxads and pyraclostrobins against the fungal infections, mainly against the wheat leaf rust, in a 1l/hectares dose at different moments. From all of the six different treatments the most succesful one was when the antimycotic was used before the crops got into the early stage of heading (BBCH51). The infection was present in less than 1% of the treatment. It was at this treatment that we could observe that the protection provided by the fungicide lasted for five weeks. Starting the protection during the booting stage seemed early because the duration of it didn’t last until the end of the contamination. Spraying the antimycotic during the flowering stage (BBCH65) seems late because by that time the level of infection was more than 1%. At this time the only protection we can use besides the chemical control is breeding for resintance.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Molnár Péter, Füzi István, Takács András Péter

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