A burgonya lombfitoftórával (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary) szembeni rezisztencia nemesítési törekvések és eredmények a MATE Burgonyakutató Állomásán
late blight, resistance breeding, wild Solanum species, parental lines, resistance level, plant protection proposalAbstract
The most effective protection against the pathogen of potato late blight (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary), which causes serious epidemics, is if the plant itself is resistant to the pathogen. The MATE Potato Research Station has been carrying out phytophthora resistance breeding program involving several wild Solanum species for decades. In our experiments, the resistance inheritance efficiency of the parental lines used in the breeding program was determined by small-plot field trials of their offspring according to the EUCABLIGHT methodology, while the determination of the resistance level of the variety candidates and released varieties was determined by artificial infection of whole plants in greenhouse experiment. Based on our results, 17.8% of the genotypes examined in the experiment were highly susceptible, 35.7% were moderately susceptible, 9.5% were slightly resistant, 25.0% were moderately resistant and 12.0% were highly resistant. Among the parental lines, Sárpo Mira, White Lady, FH 97.021. 02 and 01.739 are most likely inherit the resistance genes to phytophthora. The intensive use of these parents in the breeding program is adviced. In our tests, we determined the phytophthora resistance level of 7 varieties and two variety candidates, based on which we formulated an integrated plant protection proposal for growers.
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