Examination of feed consumption of ewes of various genotypes on pasture conditions


  • András Rádli Pannon Egyetem Georgikon Kar, Állattudományi és Állattenyésztéstani Tanszék, 8360 Keszthely, Deák Ferenc u. 16.
  • Péter J. Polgár J. Péter Pannon Egyetem Georgikon Kar, Állattudományi és Állattenyésztéstani Tanszék, 8360 Keszthely, Deák Ferenc u. 16.
  • Szabolcs Bene Pannon Egyetem Georgikon Kar, Állattudományi és Állattenyésztéstani Tanszék, 8360 Keszthely, Deák Ferenc u. 16.


ewe, pasture, body weight, condition, botanical composition


The authors carried out their examinations between April and July 2011 at the Kapolcs Animal Breeding Site of the Dörögdi Mező Ltd. There are 26 hectares of sheep-grazing pastures here where the quantity of grass production per m² was assessed for the months of May, June and July and repeated three times. Following this approximately half a kilogram was given to the Testing Laboratory of the Pannon University Georgikon Faculty, Department of Animal Science and Breeding, where under laboratory conditions the major parameters of the grazing grass were measured and calculated, such as: dry matter content, water content at 60ºC, crude protein, crude ash, crude fat, crude fibre, NDF, ADF and lignin content. Then using atomic absorption spectroscopy they ascertained the macro and micro element content of the grazing grass.
The botanical composition of the pasture was assessed taking into account the frequency of the occurring plant varieties in the number of repetitions, and the occurring plants were classified. The recordings showed 33 plant species where the dicotyledonous plants were dominant.
Finally the examination of feed consumption based exclusively on pasture grass was carried out on 20 Hungarian Merino and 20 purebred German Mutton Merino ewes of various ages. The ewes under examination were weighed on three consecutive days in the mornings, prior to being driven out to pasture, and in the evenings when driven back from the pasture, and the condition scoring of the ewes was also assessed, furthermore following the morning and evening weighing on each given day the weight change was calculated and so the daily feed consumption uptake was defined, corrected by the transformation utilization. Based on the examination of the genotype the German Meat Merino ewes were approximately 2 kilograms heavier at each weighing, so from the condition aspect they also achieved a higher condition score (3.38).Based on the ages, the examinations showed the heaviest weights during the month of June were achieved by the 9 year old ewes, whilst in July the 4 year old ewes were dominant.

Author Biography

  • András Rádli, Pannon Egyetem Georgikon Kar, Állattudományi és Állattenyésztéstani Tanszék, 8360 Keszthely, Deák Ferenc u. 16.

    corresponding author


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How to Cite

Rádli, A., Polgár J. Péter, P. J., & Bene, S. (2012). Examination of feed consumption of ewes of various genotypes on pasture conditions. Animal Welfare, Ethology and Housing Systems (AWETH), 8(2), 198-214. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/aweth/article/view/6764

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